constraint solving or >-> version of n-queens slow


Since commit d67f6f8e1ac1038df767c2b655001dafd14d7af1 the following is now
very slow:
q:1..n >-> 1..n & !(i,j).(i:1..n & j:2..n & j>i => q+j-1 /= q(j) & q-j+1 /= q(j)) & n=12
(14 seconds instead of instantaneous)

d67f6f8e1ac1038df767c2b655001dafd14d7af1 is the first bad commit
commit d67f6f8e1ac1038df767c2b655001dafd14d7af1
Author: Michael Leuschel <>
Date: Thu Nov 27 14:20:39 2014 +0100

SMT style FD labeling now also active in normal mode

all FD variables are kept in one list
we interleave FD labeling with waitflag grounding
we use clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label
requires change to test 1360





Gliffy Diagrams



Michael Leuschel March 5, 2016 at 10:04 AM

It seems >->> is simply faster because it forces an enumeration from left to right.
:- block tbij(,?,?,?,?,?), tbij(?,?,,?,?,?).
tbij([],_,0,Dom,Ran,WF) :- empty_set_wf(Dom,WF),empty_set_wf(Ran,WF).
tbij([(X,Y)|T],SoFar,s(Card),Dom,Ran,WF) :- % prints(tbij(X,Y,T,s(Card))),
%not_element_of(X,SoFar), necessary ??
remove_element_wf(X,Dom,Dom2,WF), % instead of setup_domain, we could remove first element if X,Y are free
remove_element_wf(Y,Ran,Ran2,WF), % this forces an enumeration from left-to-right, as Ran is only set when previous element was enumerated
%prints(chooseY(Y,forx(X),Ran,Ran2,sofar(SoFar))), portray_waitflags(WF),nl,

Commit d67f6f8e1ac1038df767c2b655001dafd14d7af1 lead to a reverse in the FD variable list and means variables are prioritised backwards from before; meaning that here enumeration starts on column 12.
It is easer to solve the problem going from left to right here, the last column has no additional constraint attached to it; it can be freely chosen if the others are fixed.

Michael Leuschel March 5, 2016 at 9:18 AM

It seems related to enumeration order.
With -p RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER TRUE it is generally much much faster.
The same problem with >->> is also much faster.

Michael Leuschel March 5, 2016 at 8:40 AM

This is actually not the n-Queens Problem, but a Variation thereof (generated by a typo).

Won't Fix





Created March 4, 2016 at 3:03 PM
Updated April 18, 2016 at 8:44 AM
Resolved April 18, 2016 at 8:44 AM