- ProB hangs after starting model checkPROBPLUGIN-121Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-121Jens Bendisposto
- Export to ProB Classic does not workPROBPLUGIN-120Jens Bendisposto
- Internal Error instead of properly reported well-definedness errorPROBPLUGIN-119Jens Bendisposto
- ModelCheckingDialog does not store user selectionPROBPLUGIN-118Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-118Sebastian Krings
- List theory does not work in ProB Plug-inPROBPLUGIN-117Jens Bendisposto
- Rendering of ... is strangePROBPLUGIN-115Jens Bendisposto
- No feedback when timeout in INITIALISATIONPROBPLUGIN-114Jens Bendisposto
- Check Documentation for ProB 1PROBPLUGIN-116Jens Bendisposto
- Error messages in Animator after Disprover runPROBPLUGIN-113Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-113Jens Bendisposto
- LTL Model Check fails when number of new nodes exceededPROBPLUGIN-112Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-112Jens Bendisposto
- Number of variables in a pre-post predicatePROBPLUGIN-111Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-111Jens Bendisposto
- LTL Counterexample is not displayed in the HistoryPROBPLUGIN-110Daniel Plagge
- LTL does not work anymorePROBPLUGIN-109Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-109Daniel Plagge
- BMotionStudio throws cast exception in Rodin3PROBPLUGIN-108Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-108Lukas Ladenberger
- Disprover should report needed hypotheses back to RodinPROBPLUGIN-107Sebastian Krings
- Allow to submit POsPROBPLUGIN-106Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-106Sebastian Krings
- input fields for units / symbolic are not available anymorePROBPLUGIN-104Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-104Sebastian Krings
- Assertion Checking: No feedback after model checking runPROBPLUGIN-103Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-103Jens Bendisposto
- NullPointer Exception when Full Coverage in Model Checking reachedPROBPLUGIN-102Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-102Jens Bendisposto
- On animating a machine with pro-B, I get an error which says "Residue: root: '$partial_setup_constants: context = ERROR CONTEXT: OPERATION: $partial_setup_constants, state ID: root, state: root;"PROBPLUGIN-100Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-100Jens Bendisposto
- Variants trigger a translation errorPROBPLUGIN-99Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-99Sebastian Krings
- Invarants occurr multiple times in the translated modelPROBPLUGIN-97Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-97Daniel Plagge
- PROBPLUGIN - No user feedback when TIME-OUT occurs during SETUP CONSTANTSPROBPLUGIN-96Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-96Jens Bendisposto
- Disprover: Free identifiers in the proof are not handled correctlyPROBPLUGIN-95Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-95Sebastian Krings
- PROBPLUGIN: ProB Animate Menu for Shared Event Composed MachinePROBPLUGIN-94Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-94Sebastian Krings
- PROBPLUGIN - Disprover does not work with Theory PluginPROBPLUGIN-93Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-93Sebastian Krings
- PROBPLUGIN Theory Support Bug for ParametersPROBPLUGIN-92Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-92Michael Leuschel
- PROBPLUGIN - State View Expression does not allow Theory Plugin operatorsPROBPLUGIN-91Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-91Michael Leuschel
- PROBPLUGIN - LTL Counter-Example View - cannot display a counter examplePROBPLUGIN-90Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-90Michael Leuschel
- Error launching ProB Animation (If parent machine being extended has theorems in guards)PROBPLUGIN-89Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-89Jens Bendisposto
- PROBPLUGIN - ProB 1 for Rodin - Execute with Custom Guard IssuesPROBPLUGIN-88Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-88Jens Bendisposto
- PROB - ProB for Rodin cannot start when special character in pathPROBPLUGIN-87Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-87Sebastian Krings
- Closing the Events View and reopening it again throws a NullPointerExceptionPROBPLUGIN-84Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-84Sebastian Krings
- Translation failsPROBPLUGIN-80Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-80Sebastian Krings
- "becomes such as" operation causes unhandled loop exceptionPROBPLUGIN-79Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-79Jens Bendisposto
- Observer:Simple value Display ControlPROBPLUGIN-78Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-78Lukas Ladenberger
- PROB Rodin - Export error message upon warnings misleadingPROBPLUGIN-75Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-75Jens Bendisposto
- ProB does not release memory after model checkingPROBPLUGIN-74Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-74Joy Clark
- Update Wiki (Disprover / Symbolic Constants / Units)PROBPLUGIN-73Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-73Sebastian Krings
- ProB for Rodin should support theorems in guardsPROBPLUGIN-72Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-72Michael Leuschel
- memory leakPROBPLUGIN-71Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-71Jens Bendisposto
- memory leak triggered by Context contentsPROBPLUGIN-70Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-70Michael Leuschel
- Create way to export Event-B files for ProB 2.0PROBPLUGIN-69Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-69Jens Bendisposto
- Outdated: issue: PROBPLUGIN-68Sebastian Krings
- Command for checking initialised status is out of datePROBPLUGIN-67Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-67Joy Clark
- Disprover unable to type variables of refined machinesPROBPLUGIN-66Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-66Sebastian Krings
- Translation Crashes if Symbolic Constants Plugin is not installedPROBPLUGIN-64Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-64Sebastian Krings
- ProB Rodin: cannot animate machine m1 - export for ProB classic silently failsPROBPLUGIN-63Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-63Sebastian Krings
- Change Model checking options to fit with Prolog refactoringPROBPLUGIN-62Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-62Jens Bendisposto
- Units not translated in contextsPROBPLUGIN-58Resolved issue: PROBPLUGIN-58Sebastian Krings
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