- Implement visualize with Before/After predicate in Execute by Predicate when no solution is foundPROB2UI-405
- Unicode inverse in formulas causes problemsPROB2UI-368Resolved issue: PROB2UI-368dgelessus
- Clicking Visualize Expression as Graph fails for Event-B predicatePROB2UI-356Resolved issue: PROB2UI-356dgelessus
- Improve feedback in Execute by Predicate when no solution is foundPROB2UI-350Resolved issue: PROB2UI-350Fabian Vu
- Investigate why ProB2-UI needs a higher TIME_OUT to workPROB2UI-324Resolved issue: PROB2UI-324
- Extend find valid state command with checkbox for using current constants valuesPROB2UI-278Fabian Vu
- Try and reuse probcli when loading or re-loading a modelPROB2UI-276Resolved issue: PROB2UI-276dgelessus
- Show origin of entries in the state viewPROB2UI-275
- ANIMATION_FUNCTION images pathPROB2UI-248Resolved issue: PROB2UI-248Fabian Vu
- Add symbolic feasibility commandPROB2UI-241Michael Leuschel
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